Friday, June 24, 2011

Back to square one!

Well well well...looks like we are back to square one with regards to the timing of our newest additions arrival. Two weeks ago I had a doctors appointment and basically my doctor (I am alternating through three different ones mind you) stated he wanted to set a date for baby #2 to make his presence. He wanted to take the baby in the 37th week, I convinced him to move it to the 38th week, and after Justin and I had discussed that August 10th would be an excellent day to have him, I was told I really cannot schedule to have him until the 39th week. Confused? Yes, so am I. When I called to change the date from August 11th to August 10th the lady that does the scheduling told me that she is not allowed to schedule the birth until the 39th week. I learned today that it has a lot to do with the due date estimation, length of stay for mother/baby, and other additional factors. So when I looked my doctor in the eye today and asked him realistically when we are looking to have this baby, he said "the 39th week". So if all goes according to plan, 7 weeks and 2 days from now Luke/Colin McCabe Mandel will be here (although I am currently measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule)!

We wanted to have the baby on August 10th because that is my grandfather's birthday also. How cool would it be to be a grandfather and have your great grandchild born on your birthday and vice-versa? Maybe he will be born then, maybe he won't, but we certainly thought it would be the perfect day! But instead we are back to an extra week of waiting, holding our breath my body decides to cooperate, and keeping our fingers crossed my mom and dad will be there this time!

Until next time....

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