Monday, June 20, 2011

What a weekend!

We finally were able to get a diagnosis for what was plaguing Ethan for the better part of last week. After his fever was coming and going and just eventually seemed to come back and NOT go down, Justin and I decided we needed to get the little guy to the ER. Ethan has a PCP but his doctor works a lot like my doctor does and closes for half a day on Friday. In hind sight I probably should have taken Ethan to see his doctor  on Thursday but he was feeling fine for the majority of the day and the Motrin we were giving him was keeping his fever down, so I simply thought he might have just had a little bug. WRONG! Turns out Ethan had a double ear infection but showed none of the typical signs other than a fever. We took him to the ER, they gave him a super strength dose of acetaminophen, gave us a prescription for an antibiotic, and before we knew it he was bouncing off the walls and seemed to back to his normal self (although he was still tired). Below are some pictures from our trip:

This is Ethan after his temperature was taken rectally since he would not cooperate any other way

This is Ethan after his dose of acetaminophen loving his daddy

This is Ethan knocked out right before he got his second wind and started being his cheery self again!

Thankfully Ethan started feeling better because he had a big weekend coming up! Justin went out of town to go Phishing so it was just me and little man for the majority of the day on Saturday. We ran some errands, picked up some father's day gifts/cards, and played with crayons for what seemed like an eternity. Ethan's Peepa (Grandpa) and GG (Grandma) also came into town to take some furniture back to my brother since he's moving into his own apartment. It seemed like it took forever for them to get here but when they did, Ethan (and I) was in heaven. Peepa is Ethan's buddy and is next in line to daddy so he was ecstatic when they got here. This visit with them was a little different than their previous visits because this time Ethan took it upon himself to "test" his grandparents and define the boundaries for what they would allow him to do. He learned quickly that GG and Peepa are not much different than mommy and daddy and the boundaries do not extend much further. It think it was a good learning experience for all of us!  When Ethan did something that I did not like and I scolded him all he would do was call for "Peepa, Peepa, Peepa" and would not stop calling his name until Peepa picked him up, played with him, or calmed him down. And when Peepa left to go back home, Ethan cried, and did not want him to leave. I know it has to make my parents feel loved that he does not want them to go but I always reassure him that we will see them again and I think that makes him feel better.

Ethan also learned a couple of new songs that his GG taught him. They sang "Old McDonald", "The Wheels on the Bus", "ABC's", and "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" endlessly and now Ethan's favorite things to say are cockadoodle-doo, all through the town, and E-I-E-I-O (of course with some extra vowels added in). It could truly listen to him sing all day!

It was nice to actually see my dad for Father's Day and I know it meant a lot to him that he was able to spend time with all of us on his special day. Below is a picture of Ethan and GG (definitely the best picture of the weekend):

So all in all it was a great weekend! Justin got to see two Phish concerts, Ethan got to spend time with his Peepa and GG, and I got to see my dad on Father's Day! Life is good!

Until next time....

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